EuroMillions Results for Friday 3rd February 2006

The 104th EuroMillions draw took place on Friday 3rd February 2006 at 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT) and the winning numbers drawn were:

Friday 3rd February 2006
  • 9
  • 21
  • 30
  • 39
  • 50
  • 1
  • 3
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Draw Number:
Ball Machine:
Machine 1
Total Winners:
Jackpot Won!
Ball Set:
EuroMillions prizes in UK must be claimed within 180 days of the draw date, so tickets purchased for this draw were valid until Wednesday 2nd August 2006.

There were 3 jackpot winning tickets in total that matched 5 main numbers and 2 Lucky Stars, 2 tickets were purchased in France and 1 ticket was purchased in Portugal.

Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner UK Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 £42,019,877.00 0 £0.00 3
5 + 1 £179,829.80 7 £1,258,808.60 46
5 £35,037.40 7 £245,261.80 67
4 + 2 £3,845.80 86 £330,738.80 436
4 + 1 £173.50 1,290 £223,815.00 6,443
4 £84.30 1,956 £164,890.80 9,281
3 + 2 £67.70 3,992 £270,258.40 16,508
3 + 1 £21.80 61,948 £1,350,466.40 261,237
2 + 2 £20.60 59,687 £1,229,552.20 237,895
3 £13.70 92,645 £1,269,236.50 381,199
1 + 2 £8.90 321,317 £2,859,721.30 1,258,026
2 + 1 £7.10 910,681 £6,465,835.10 3,747,671
Totals - 1,453,616 £15,668,584.90 5,918,812
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner French Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €61,191,026.00 2 €122,382,052.00 3
5 + 1 €224,419.20 11 €2,468,611.20 46
5 €43,725.00 21 €918,225.00 67
4 + 2 €4,799.40 111 €532,733.40 436
4 + 1 €216.50 1,615 €349,647.50 6,443
4 €105.20 2,243 €235,963.60 9,281
3 + 2 €84.50 3,893 €328,958.50 16,508
3 + 1 €27.20 60,954 €1,657,948.80 261,237
2 + 2 €25.80 56,305 €1,452,669.00 237,895
3 €17.20 87,528 €1,505,481.60 381,199
1 + 2 €11.20 303,804 €3,402,604.80 1,258,026
2 + 1 €8.90 879,349 €7,826,206.10 3,747,671
Totals - 1,395,836 €143,061,101.50 8,710,484
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Spanish Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €61,191,026.00 0 €0.00 3
5 + 1 €224,419.29 2 €448,838.58 46
5 €43,725.10 8 €349,800.80 67
4 + 2 €4,799.45 32 €153,582.40 436
4 + 1 €216.52 506 €109,559.12 6,443
4 €105.22 750 €78,915.00 9,281
3 + 2 €84.51 1,711 €144,596.61 16,508
3 + 1 €27.23 26,628 €725,080.44 261,237
2 + 2 €25.80 26,220 €676,476.00 237,895
3 €17.20 40,998 €705,165.60 381,199
1 + 2 €11.20 140,903 €1,578,113.60 1,258,026
2 + 1 €8.93 397,392 €3,548,710.56 3,747,671
Totals - 635,150 €8,518,838.71 5,918,812
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Irish Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €61,191,026.00 0 €0.00 3
5 + 1 €224,419.00 2 €448,838.00 46
5 €43,725.00 0 €0.00 67
4 + 2 €4,799.00 14 €67,186.00 436
4 + 1 €217.00 173 €37,541.00 6,443
4 €105.00 227 €23,835.00 9,281
3 + 2 €85.00 533 €45,305.00 16,508
3 + 1 €27.00 7,239 €195,453.00 261,237
2 + 2 €26.00 7,144 €185,744.00 237,895
3 €17.00 10,436 €177,412.00 381,199
1 + 2 €11.00 38,513 €423,643.00 1,258,026
2 + 1 €9.00 104,010 €936,090.00 3,747,671
Totals - 168,291 €2,541,047.00 5,918,812
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Portuguese Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €61,191,026.00 1 €61,191,026.00 3
5 + 1 €224,419.28 17 €3,815,127.76 46
5 €43,725.09 20 €874,501.80 67
4 + 2 €4,799.44 133 €638,325.52 436
4 + 1 €216.52 1,863 €403,376.76 6,443
4 €105.21 2,710 €285,119.10 9,281
3 + 2 €84.50 3,817 €322,536.50 16,508
3 + 1 €27.23 61,985 €1,687,851.55 261,237
2 + 2 €25.80 50,569 €1,304,680.20 237,895
3 €17.20 89,146 €1,533,311.20 381,199
1 + 2 €11.20 248,382 €2,781,878.40 1,258,026
2 + 1 €8.93 821,235 €7,333,628.55 3,747,671
Totals - 1,279,878 €82,171,363.34 5,918,812

Out of 139,503,881 entries.

Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Luxembourgian & Swiss Winners Total Winners
5 + 2 CHF95,421,285.95 0 3
5 + 1 CHF364,846.20 5 46
5 CHF71,085.40 2 67
4 + 2 CHF7,802.60 21 436
4 + 1 CHF352.00 459 6,443
4 CHF171.05 605 9,281
3 + 2 CHF137.40 949 16,508
3 + 1 CHF44.30 17,832 261,237
2 + 2 CHF41.95 14,378 237,895
3 CHF27.95 25,086 381,199
1 + 2 CHF18.20 76,949 1,258,026
2 + 1 CHF14.50 260,226 3,747,671
Totals - 396,512 5,918,812
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Belgian Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €61,191,026.00 0 €0.00 3
5 + 1 €224,419.20 1 €224,419.20 46
5 €43,725.00 4 €174,900.00 67
4 + 2 €4,799.40 25 €119,985.00 436
4 + 1 €216.50 342 €74,043.00 6,443
4 €105.20 499 €52,494.80 9,281
3 + 2 €84.50 1,026 €86,697.00 16,508
3 + 1 €27.20 15,341 €417,275.20 261,237
2 + 2 €25.80 14,577 €376,086.60 237,895
3 €17.20 22,275 €383,130.00 381,199
1 + 2 €11.20 78,559 €879,860.80 1,258,026
2 + 1 €8.90 237,413 €2,112,975.70 3,747,671
Totals - 370,062 €4,901,867.30 5,918,812
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Austrian Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €61,191,026.00 0 €0.00 3
5 + 1 €224,419.20 1 €224,419.20 46
5 €43,725.00 5 €218,625.00 67
4 + 2 €4,799.40 14 €67,191.60 436
4 + 1 €216.50 195 €42,217.50 6,443
4 €105.20 291 €30,613.20 9,281
3 + 2 €84.50 587 €49,601.50 16,508
3 + 1 €27.20 9,310 €253,232.00 261,237
2 + 2 €25.80 9,015 €232,587.00 237,895
3 €17.20 13,085 €225,062.00 381,199
1 + 2 €11.20 49,599 €555,508.80 1,258,026
2 + 1 €8.90 137,365 €1,222,548.50 3,747,671
Totals - 219,467 €3,121,606.30 5,918,812
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Luxembourgian & Swiss Winners Total Winners
5 + 2 €61,191,026.00 0 3
5 + 1 €224,419.20 5 46
5 €43,725.00 2 67
4 + 2 €4,799.40 21 436
4 + 1 €216.50 459 6,443
4 €105.20 605 9,281
3 + 2 €84.50 949 16,508
3 + 1 €27.20 17,832 261,237
2 + 2 €25.80 14,378 237,895
3 €17.20 25,086 381,199
1 + 2 €11.20 76,949 1,258,026
2 + 1 €8.90 260,226 3,747,671
Totals - 396,512 5,918,812
Tickets won a prize in this draw.
Entries were purchased for this draw.
Win Ratio 42 in 1,000
For every 1,000 tickets bought, 42 won a prize.

Associated Draws for Friday 3rd February

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Austrian Joker Results

With the Austrian Joker being drawn on dissimilar days to EuroMillions, please refer to the Austrian Joker page for results relevant to your ticket:

Read more about the Austrian Joker draw
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