EuroMillions Results for Friday 29th April 2005

The 64th EuroMillions draw took place on Friday 29th April 2005 at 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT) and the winning numbers drawn were:

Friday 29th April 2005
  • 3
  • 9
  • 35
  • 39
  • 42
  • 1
  • 8
View numbers in drawn order

Use the ticket checker to see if you've won a prize.

Draw Number:
Ball Machine:
Machine 1
Total Winners:
Ball Set:
EuroMillions prizes in UK must be claimed within 180 days of the draw date, so tickets purchased for this draw were valid until Wednesday 26th October 2005.
USA Powerball - Wednesday's estimated jackpot:
$408 Million
It's a 24× Rollover!

Choose five numbers (1-69) and a Powerball (1-26):

Time remaining:
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner UK Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 £10,155,000.00 0 £0.00 Rollover! 0
5 + 1 £1,421,000.00 0 £0.00 1
5 £201,600.00 0 £0.00 2
4 + 2 £6,698.90 1 £6,698.90 43
4 + 1 £272.00 50 £13,600.00 706
4 £111.50 70 £7,805.00 1,205
3 + 2 £93.50 146 £13,651.00 2,053
3 + 1 £27.20 2,340 £63,648.00 35,963
2 + 2 £27.10 2,174 £58,915.40 31,176
3 £13.80 4,030 £55,614.00 65,293
1 + 2 £11.50 11,691 £134,446.50 168,303
2 + 1 £8.30 34,551 £286,773.30 554,364
Totals - 55,053 £641,152.10 859,109
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner French Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €15,000,000.00 0 €0.00 Rollover! 0
5 + 1 €1,737,261.50 0 €0.00 1
5 €246,503.30 1 €246,503.30 2
4 + 2 €8,189.40 9 €73,704.60 43
4 + 1 €332.50 146 €48,545.00 706
4 €136.30 256 €34,892.80 1,205
3 + 2 €114.30 498 €56,921.40 2,053
3 + 1 €33.20 8,025 €266,430.00 35,963
2 + 2 €33.10 7,653 €253,314.30 31,176
3 €16.80 14,026 €235,636.80 65,293
1 + 2 €14.00 42,452 €594,328.00 168,303
2 + 1 €10.10 129,825 €1,311,232.50 554,364
Totals - 202,891 €3,121,508.70 1,264,891
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Spanish Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €15,000,000.00 0 €0.00 Rollover! 0
5 + 1 €1,737,261.59 1 €1,737,261.59 1
5 €246,503.33 0 €0.00 2
4 + 2 €8,189.48 7 €57,326.36 43
4 + 1 €332.53 180 €59,855.40 706
4 €136.38 303 €41,323.14 1,205
3 + 2 €114.35 500 €57,175.00 2,053
3 + 1 €33.29 8,326 €277,172.54 35,963
2 + 2 €33.13 7,626 €252,649.38 31,176
3 €16.90 14,914 €252,046.60 65,293
1 + 2 €14.09 41,237 €581,029.33 168,303
2 + 1 €10.16 127,387 €1,294,251.92 554,364
Totals - 200,481 €4,610,091.26 859,109
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Irish Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €15,000,000.00 0 €0.00 Rollover! 0
5 + 1 €1,737,262.00 0 €0.00 1
5 €246,503.00 0 €0.00 2
4 + 2 €8,189.00 2 €16,378.00 43
4 + 1 €333.00 15 €4,995.00 706
4 €136.00 9 €1,224.00 1,205
3 + 2 €114.00 32 €3,648.00 2,053
3 + 1 €33.00 479 €15,807.00 35,963
2 + 2 €33.00 527 €17,391.00 31,176
3 €17.00 812 €13,804.00 65,293
1 + 2 €14.00 2,720 €38,080.00 168,303
2 + 1 €10.00 7,496 €74,960.00 554,364
Totals - 12,092 €186,287.00 859,109
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Portuguese Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €15,000,000.00 0 €0.00 Rollover! 0
5 + 1 €1,737,261.59 0 €0.00 1
5 €246,503.33 1 €246,503.33 2
4 + 2 €8,189.47 15 €122,842.05 43
4 + 1 €332.52 201 €66,836.52 706
4 €136.37 373 €50,866.01 1,205
3 + 2 €114.35 528 €60,376.80 2,053
3 + 1 €33.29 10,816 €360,064.64 35,963
2 + 2 €33.13 8,079 €267,657.27 31,176
3 €16.89 20,921 €353,355.69 65,293
1 + 2 €14.08 42,204 €594,232.32 168,303
2 + 1 €10.16 165,175 €1,678,178.00 554,364
Totals - 248,313 €3,800,912.63 859,109

Out of 23,476,508 entries.

Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Luxembourgian & Swiss Winners Total Winners
5 + 2 CHF0.00 0 Rollover! 0
5 + 1 CHF2,676,251.50 0 1
5 CHF379,738.40 0 2
4 + 2 CHF13,538.75 3 43
4 + 1 CHF549.55 41 706
4 CHF225.25 72 1,205
3 + 2 CHF188.85 145 2,053
3 + 1 CHF54.85 2,412 35,963
2 + 2 CHF54.60 1,994 31,176
3 CHF27.75 4,484 65,293
1 + 2 CHF23.10 10,908 168,303
2 + 1 CHF16.60 37,265 554,364
Totals - 57,324 859,109
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Belgian Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €15,000,000.00 0 €0.00 Rollover! 0
5 + 1 €1,737,261.50 0 €0.00 1
5 €246,503.30 0 €0.00 2
4 + 2 €8,189.40 4 €32,757.60 43
4 + 1 €332.50 41 €13,632.50 706
4 €136.30 82 €11,176.60 1,205
3 + 2 €114.30 124 €14,173.20 2,053
3 + 1 €33.20 2,199 €73,006.80 35,963
2 + 2 €33.10 1,877 €62,128.70 31,176
3 €16.80 3,972 €66,729.60 65,293
1 + 2 €14.00 10,569 €147,966.00 168,303
2 + 1 €10.10 32,760 €330,876.00 554,364
Totals - 51,628 €752,447.00 859,109
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Austrian Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners
5 + 2 €15,000,000.00 0 €0.00 Rollover! 0
5 + 1 €1,737,261.50 0 €0.00 1
5 €246,503.30 0 €0.00 2
4 + 2 €8,189.40 2 €16,378.80 43
4 + 1 €332.50 32 €10,640.00 706
4 €136.30 40 €5,452.00 1,205
3 + 2 €114.30 80 €9,144.00 2,053
3 + 1 €33.20 1,366 €45,351.20 35,963
2 + 2 €33.10 1,246 €41,242.60 31,176
3 €16.80 2,134 €35,851.20 65,293
1 + 2 €14.00 6,522 €91,308.00 168,303
2 + 1 €10.10 19,905 €201,040.50 554,364
Totals - 31,327 €456,408.30 859,109
Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Luxembourgian & Swiss Winners Total Winners
5 + 2 €15,000,000.00 0 Rollover! 0
5 + 1 €1,737,261.50 0 1
5 €246,503.30 0 2
4 + 2 €8,189.40 3 43
4 + 1 €332.50 41 706
4 €136.30 72 1,205
3 + 2 €114.30 145 2,053
3 + 1 €33.20 2,412 35,963
2 + 2 €33.10 1,994 31,176
3 €16.80 4,484 65,293
1 + 2 €14.00 10,908 168,303
2 + 1 €10.10 37,265 554,364
Totals - 57,324 859,109
Tickets won a prize in this draw.
Entries were purchased for this draw.
Win Ratio 37 in 1,000
For every 1,000 tickets bought, 37 won a prize.

Associated Draws for Friday 29th April

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Austrian Joker Results

With the Austrian Joker being drawn on dissimilar days to EuroMillions, please refer to the Austrian Joker page for results relevant to your ticket:

Read more about the Austrian Joker draw
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